Corporate Finance : Some Issues /
: Vinod Shankar Singh
  Jitendra Pratap Singh
  Vinay Shankar Singh
: English
Book Type
: Reference Book
: Economics/Finance/Commerce/Management
Publication Year
: 2002
: 8171243332
Binding Type
: Hard Bound
: xvi + 220 Pages, Size : Demy i.e. 22.5 x 14.5 Cm.

MRP ₹ 250

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Finance is believed to be the ‘life blood’ of any business entity and in the absence of finance a business cannot even be imagined. As such, a business unit is needed to plan and secure the requisite finances for its business activities that it propposes to undertake. It not only requires that the necessary finances be raised, but it also calls for a judicious use of the finances so raised. It is this process of raising the needed finance and using the same in running the business activities defines the size of return on investments. The present book is all about this ‘life blood’ of business activity involving a variety of issues that are highly relevant under the present open economy environment. CORPORATE FINANCE–SOME ISSUES is an attempt to bring to surface some serious and pertinent issues for analysis, investigation and interpretation across a sweeping and scintillating canvas of finance.