The Imperial Guptas [Vol.2] /
: Parmeshwari Lal Gupta
: English
Book Type
: Reference Book
: History, Art & Culture
Publication Year
: 1992
Binding Type
: Hard Bound
: viii + 388 Pages, 17 Plates, Index, Biblio., Size : Demy i.e. 22x 14.5 Cm.

MRP ₹ 300

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The Imperial Guptas II Vol. Most comprehensive study on administration, social life, economic and commercial activities, religion and philosophy, and art and architecture of the Gupta period. An exhaustive bibllography of books and papers published on Gupta history in Indian and foreign journals. An indispensible work for scholars and students desirous of intensive study of Hindu-India. Author : distinguished numismatist of our country with and international repute. Review This volume constitutes of six chapters; they deal with the Polity and Administration, Social Life, Agriculture, Commerce and Currency, Religion and Philosophy, Literature and Arts and Crafts. Besides, a Bibliography is appended at the end, where not only those book and papers are enlisted that are referred to in this work (Vols. I and II) but also those that are not used knowingly or unknowingly. <br /><br />