Journalism by Old And New Masters /
: Baldev Raj Gupta
: English
Book Type
: Reference Book
: Journalism, Mass Communication, Cinema etc.
Publication Year
: 1997
: 8171241697
Binding Type
: Hard Bound
: viii + 192 Pages, Size : Demy i.e. 21 x 14 Cm.

MRP ₹ 250

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Offer Price ₹ 200

Indian Journalism is the lagacy of British Press. During Freedom movement native press played a very important and missionary role. Presently Indian Press needs ethics and values of India, system and style from the British and style from the British and High Technology of America. Yes! It is the need of the hour. The book Journalism by Old and New Journalism and Media Scholars as well as for practicing Journalists and Media Persons. The chapters of the book are interesting as well as inspiring for Teachers and Students of Journalism and Mass Communication of Indian Universities.