Laurence Sterne : A Critical Revaluation /

: Nand Kishore Lal
: English
Book Type
: Reference Book
: English Literature
Publication Year
: 1993
: 8171241026
Binding Type
: Hard Bound
: viii + 156 Pagse, Biblio., Size : Demy i.e. 22 x 14 Cm.
MRP ₹ 150
Discount 15%
Offer Price ₹ 128
Dr. Lal's work laurence Sterne : A Critical Revaluation offers a well-rounded critical approach to the artistry of laurence Steme who is known as the most original writer of the eighteenth century. He is one of the progenitors of modernity in English fiction. In this work Dr. Lal has made a brilliant study of the themes and techniques of Sterne's two novels—Tristram Shandy and A Sentimental Journey. He has attempted to classify the varieties of comedy as found in his seminal work-Tristram Shandy. There is a significant chapter on A Sentimental Journey in which. Dr. Lal has successfully highlighted the sentimentalism of the work. The work full well analyses sterne's fictional technique-his use of digressions. the stream of consciousness technique as influenced by Locke's association of ideas, and his use of certain rhetorical devices. It also points out Sterne's affinity with the later writers of the ninteenth and twentieth centuries, and sums up the nature and significance of Sterne's comic vision.